Has anyone truly been able to rebuild their love and passion with their partner?


Please read for me, Has anyone truly been able to rebuild their love and passion with their partner? Me and my boyfriend are 23 And been together nearly 5 years. Basically for the whole five years he showed me Love through words but not through action. I have lived alone since we met and he always stays at my house And I always do the cooking and the cleaning, I always make plans for us, I always do things to make him feel special, I really have been a great girlfriend. He has shown me no appreciation through actions, He’s never made me feel special or done anything off his own back Even on my birthday, He never suggest anything or make plans with me, he never has took care of me. The only thing I will say that he has done Is he has paid for more things and spends more when we’ve been out But that’s because he lives at home and has a lot more money. He makes me feel Loved through words but truly it’s not enough no more. He will say all the right things and He will cry at the thought of losing me but it’s all three words. I’ve forgave him for so many things over the years such as constantly hiding things and lying. He can ever do anything for himself as he has one of those mums that does everything for him. I’ve spent years begging for the bare minimum And even offering to teach in basic things that he should be doing for me. Now to my point, After five years I just don’t feel the spark anymore, There is no sexual chemistry between us at all, we don’t have sex And I definitely don’t have a sex drive with him, Every single thing that he does wrong annoys me, Every tiny thing makes me cry, I feel like I’m forcing myself to put up with it, The thing is finally after five years he’s starting to do the things that I’ve been begging for for five years, He’s starting to do more, trying to make more effort and make me feel

Appreciated. But no matter how hard I try, I really do love him but I just don’t feel the passion anymore, I feel like I’m mentally checked out a long time ago. I guess it’s hard in this situation Because I really do love him but I guess love isn’t always enough. I would be really scared to leave as him and his family have been all I’ve known for five years. My life has always had hi m in it so the thought of him not being here kills me. So essentially is it possible to rebuild love passion and chemistry and mentally check back in or Is my only option to leave.

I work and I do a full time law degree and I run my own apartment, I really can not stand feeling this confused and sad anymore and being so stressed out.