High blood pressure after labor

I’ve never had high blood pressure during my pregnancy, until I hit the last 3 weeks and suddenly it was high. I got Induced a week early due to high blood pressure.

During labor it was normal, but once I got to recovery and they kept monitoring my BP it was continuously high. I had to go back down to L&D and got put on magnesium, it eventually went down and got sent back up to recovery, but once I made it back up there it was going up again.

Eventually I got put on Nifedipine 30 mg tablets & it stayed normal.

I got discharged the next day and was told to take the BP medication once daily.

Ever since I started it though I get terrible headaches, which the nurse had said is normal reaction since it’s lowering my blood pressure.

I just wanna know if anyone has experienced high blood pressure after delivering their baby & if they ever got off BP medication??