Implantation bleeding or period?

Bre • 29. Alabama. Enjoying life with my soulmate.❤️

I’m 26 & I’ve always had very irregular periods. At the beginning of this year, I was finally put on medication to help regulate my periods. For 6-8 months, I had a period every single month, sometimes fluctuating and coming a few days early or a week late, but still having a period every month… until now. I was 42 days late as of Sunday, and had finally worked up the nerve and decided to go buy a test. Sunday morning, however, (it is now Thursday night) I woke up with some very light spotting and I was thinking “Okay, I’m about to fully start my period.” But upon further inspection of the “blood,” I noticed it wasn’t my normal “about to start my period” kind of blood. Very very light pink with hints of brown (old blood) and two or three tiny bright red spots, and extremely heavy clear cervical discharge. Now, normally when I’m starting my period, I’ll wake up spotting but a few hours later I’m fully bleeding on my period. However, as I said, it is now Thursday night. I had this “spotting” all day Sunday, half the day Monday, nothing at ALL Tuesday or yesterday morning, then it started back today and has come and gone all day. This is very unusual for me. Everyone I have confided in has told me that it sounds like their experience with implantation bleeding when they were pregnant, but being as I have never been pregnant.. I’m at a loss right now. Opinions? Suggestions? Help ya girl out.

EDITED TO ADD- After the little bit of brown and bright red spots on Sunday, it’s been nothing but a very very light pink color.