AITA- current living situation -long

My fiancé and I moved back to my home town in April of this year due to the pandemic and finding out I was pregnant. It’s alot cheaper to live here compared to where I was living. On top of that my parents had recently kicked my younger brother out due to the type of person he is and other reasons( none good) so we decided to let him live with us under the agreement he pay rent & bills. Plus gas bc my fiancé would be taking him to and from work. Which is a 40 min drive one way. Two month in my brother decides to quit his job with no warning or back up plan. He ended up not working for almost four months leaving my fiancé and I to cover all bills and everything else. After he started working we stated he would need to put in at most $50 extra so we could get back on track with our own person bills we had to put aside to insure the rent and house bills were paid. Every-time it’s comes time to pay his part my brother will argue about the amount or just decide to not pay it in full. Continuously leaving my fiancé and I to cover his part over and over again. Well it got to the point where we couldn’t anymore and has to make the decision to move into a smaller place for alot cheaper. The plan was my fiancé and I to move by ourselves and my brother to figure it out for himself. We gave him two months notice. Well. He did absolutely nothing, looked for nothing. Applied nowhere and waited last minute to make any decisions on where to move. Eventually he went to our mother and whined to her about the entire situation leaving out very important details on why he was even in this position in the first place. At this point I’m about 7.5 months pregnant. My main focus is making sure my child will have a solid secure living situation and not be about the toxicity. My fiancés father paid for our entire move. The fees the truck and even for a few things we needed. Solemnly because he was under the impression it would just be my fiancé and I. My brother also isn’t on the lease. Well my mother some how managed to get me to agree to let my brother also love with us. Looking back I’m pretty sure it was full manipulation and gaslighting. We’ve lived here for maybe two weeks. And yet again rent is due and he is refusing to pay his part in full AGAIN. not because he can’t afford it but simply bc he thinks it’s too much or unfair. So he decides to YET AGAIN run to our mother and whine about it having her tel him to not even pay half and that she’ll cover the rest and I’ll have to pay her back. Not him pay her back ME. when I never agreed on any of this. Now here is where I need to know if I’m being out of line or over the top. My fiancé and I decided he has a month to move out. Our baby is almost here and I personally am very over dealing with this entire ordeal. AITA for telling my brother he has a month to move out or His belonging will be removed. No matter how much we try and explain or talk to him he argues and never pays why he’s supposed to pay. Not once has he done his part.