I’m in a toxic relationship


I’m in a toxic relationship and idk how to get out. I’m a gay female who is in a relationship with my partner of a year and half. Everything was ‘perfect’ at the start, we barely argued and were very much in the honeymoon phase.

A year and a half one we are living together arguing everyday. I try to suggest things to fix it and the answer is always no. I offer couples councelling n the answer is no.

It’s got to the point that I am afraid of her. The way she can go from 0-100 is scary. Her favorite thing to say is ‘Yh make me out to be the bad person because you’re perfect’ or ‘here we go again’. I am an emotional person and I do tend to cry when she shouts and it’s not me trying to make her feel bad but I struggle to hold it in. It hurts when she goes Yh go on go cry to mommy when I don’t talk to my mom about any of my problems anymore because she’ll take it as though I’m bad mouthing her. She snaps for no reason and then says it’s me that’s caused her to retaliate. I’ve explained how I feel and she goes ‘oh god here we go’ and says that I’m calling her toxic and manipulative. I’m a full time nursing student and some of my lessons are online but she thinks that because I’m working from home I should have the house spotless for when she’s home with everything perfect otherwise I get shouted at like a 5 year old. I’ve noticed I’ve fallen behind already in my studies even tho it is only the start of the academic year. It always ends up me saying I’m sorry when I haven’t done anything. I admit when I’m wrong but she refuses. I can’t see a way out I’ve tried leaving before and she sits there and cries calling me a bad person and saying I never loved her. When we have arguments I sometimes go to another room for her to calm down and then I end up getting nasty messages. I love her to death. And I love her more than I care about myself half the time. I just can never ever do anything right. What should I do?????