Help kick my daughter out of my bed

My 3 YO daughter has been sleeping with me since she was 1.5 When my husband went on deployment now she’s 3 he’s been home for 7 months.and she’s still in the bed with us and I get no sleep at night and I have to go to the couch to sleep when she gets in the bed with us she will not fall asleep in her bed we usually have to move her into her bed where sometimes she sleeps half of the night. She’s awake all day she doesn’t nap and she sometimes doesn’t go to bed until 1-2 am She insists on sippy cups of milk all through the day and night I am over it. I am half way through my pregnancy. With her little sister and I’d really like to get her full time sleeping in her bed by the time my second gets here does anyone have any idea been through something similar ?