Going back to work/rant


My LO is 2 months old and EBF. She will not take a bottle or a pacifier. We’ve tried 4 different bottles now & cold breast milk and warm breast milk. I’m not sure what to do with that but also I really can’t stomach the thought of leaving her with anyone before she turns 1. I feel like I’ll be missing out on a lot of things & I don’t want anyone doing anything I wouldn’t in those few hours I’d be gone. My parents already have their opinions on things & my grandparents would be watching her and I’m not a cry it out person but my grandmother always says “she’s building her lungs” no she needs something so go figure it out. My bf is on my side with the whole stay at home with her but also wants me to help bring in some money but trying to find a legit stay at home job has been hard. How do you mamas who have to go to work do it?