Trying to get answers, lesions only in back a possibility?


I'm not officially diagnosed with MS yet, but was told by a neurologist he's pretty sure I'm in the early stages. He didn't give me any other possibilities for what could be wrong. My MRI on my brain came back clean, so he wants to wait to do any more tests for a few months.

He didn't conduct a spinal MRI or tap. He doesn't seem to be interested in doing anything but doing a new MRI on my brain every few months.

All of my symptoms are in my legs. It all started after I got in a hot tub for 20 minutes. My toes went to sleep and never fully came back to life. I've also experienced foot muscle twitches and buzzing. It's been almost a month, and I'm starting to experience some leg weakness to the point of tripping and balance issues.

I'm trying to get a second opinion. In my town, there's only one outpatient neurologist, but I'm gonna try to visit a new GP who will possibly suggest a specialist a few towns over.

I'm having a hard time. I want to be ok, I don't want to have MS, but I also want answers. I can't live with "let's wait till it gets worse, then we'll do something about it." I want to have the answer now so I can plan my life accordingly, and so I can get the help I need.

I've only told my husband and mom. I don't think they 100% believe me, and it hurts. I feel by myself. I've never really been sick before, and I'm only 23. I feel stupid for being scared and frustrated.

Have any of you been diagnosed with MS with lesions only on your back? Or had a negative brain MRI but had something on your spine/a positive spinal tap?