Should I leave him

So my bf and I have been together for 8.5 years.

We have a kid together and he has two other kids. My stepdaughter stays with us most of the time.

Anyways, since June him and I have been on a very rocky path, but the past two weeks have been the worst. And when I say the worst, I’m not talking about physical abuse or anything, we just can’t seem to get a long. His personality is very dominant, he wears the pants. It’s his way or they high way. So our relationship has been like that most of our relationship. And my personality is very go with the flow, shy and basically let people boss me around. Lol so the relationship has worked out bc of that.

Well, these past two weeks he’s been very cold to me I don’t even feel like we are in a relationship anymore. We hardly talk we’re not affectionate. I asked him about it and he says he doesn’t know what he wants anymore. He said he doesn’t want to let me go YET bc he wants to be sure. He says he had a lot on his plate. (He is opening his business and been working late trying to get it ready so he can open soon and he’s in a lot of debt bc of it so he uses that as an excuse for the way he’s been treating me but he’s also not sure if that’s why he is treating me that way )Meanwhile I’m still doing all the house wife sh*t. Taking care of his daughter and our son. Making him lunch for him and his coworkers and he had dinner when he comes home. But he’s getting his space and not having to be a bf to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️