Dear overdue mamas,

Ginelle 🌈 Nov. 2021 🤍

I am praying for us all and sending nothing but love and good vibes!

We will get to meet and snuggle our babies soon!

I am 40+2 days and my doctor pushed back next week’s appointment by one day. If I don’t have baby girl by then, I’ll be induced on nov 22. When I read her email, I bawled my eyes out to my husband because being this pregnant is painful and increasingly uncomfortable.

After letting the tears out, I feel so much better and am in a more hopeful mindset. Baby girl is healthy and everything will be okay and my husband and I will be able to hold her in our arms soon ❤️.

I was not dilated at all on Monday, but I feel at peace right now. Surrendering control and trying to have faith that all will be well!

To all of you beautiful mamas on the same boat, I hear you and I see you. we’ve totally got this and it will be oh so worth it in the end ❤️.