Should I be nervous about induction?


I want a natural delivery. My first was an emergency c-section; and I had a natural VBAC with my second. I’m 40 weeks today.

My mom has flown from the other side of the country to be with my two kids while I deliver, but she leaves next Sunday. My concern is if I go overdue she’ll have come all this way and not be able to meet the baby, and we won’t have anyone to watch the kids while I’m in the hospital. So I was considering induction. The problem is they only have availability Monday or Friday. So I would have to be induced in two days in order for the timing to work out.

A part of me is thinking, lots of women get induced, it’ll be fine. The other part of me is getting flashbacks to being cranked up on pitocin with my first and being in labor for three days with no progress.

Advice?! Do I just go for it and see what happens, or trust my instinct and just hope I go into labor naturally?

I have been doing all the tips- sex, curb walking, red raspberry leaf tea. I’m 4cm and she’s at a low station

UPDATE: she came on her own!