Would you feel disgusted if an ADULT family member was making weight comments about other family members’ KIDS

I have an aunt and two cousins (8M and 5F) who live out of state. My dad, who is ironically overweight, has been consistently making “jokes” and comments about the kids’ weight. For example, one of my uncles flew out to visit them for a couple weeks and a conversation started between my parents and I about them because I started by asking about how covid restrictions were in their area. It somehow turned into him saying “Yeah, whenever your uncle wanted to eat while he was visiting, he had to be careful because the kids would just it out of his hands. They eat all the time. That’s how they’re gaining all the weight”. My mom and I kind of just looked at each other awkwardly and he tried to save the moment by saying “I was kidding. The kids really just gained weight because of quarantine and online school. I’m sure they’ll lose it when they get back into their activities”. I have heard a few other times where he has made off hand comments about the kids “getting chunky”, how they “need to go on diets”, etc. Anytime he talks, all that runs through my mind is “you must be really low if you feel the need to judge such young ass kids. Your own niece and nephew. From Facebook pictures” 🥴

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