Shitty father & changing my last name

Olivia🧚🏼‍♀️ • NYC living 🤍 🗽 22🥂🫶🏽

So I’ve been with my fiancé for almost 4 years. I have always said that I couldn’t wait to get married so that I could change my last name. When I told my mother that I had plans of changing my last name during our wedding ceremony she was surprisingly shocked. She said that I didn’t have to and that I shouldn’t. I don’t understand why she’s shocked. My father was not a good man to her nor was he a dad to my siblings and I. He physically abused my mother and my oldest brother, he cheated on my mother several times, got her fired from her jobs by calling her bosses and making up horrible stories, kicked her out on the street with two toddlers and then moved a woman in that same night, jumped her in the street with his girlfriend and in front of us as babies, threw eggs at us from a roof, and SO MUCH MORE. Only time we saw him was when it was court ordered and that was very short lived. Aside from court ordered visitations we never saw him or heard from him. He only paid her $25 a month in child support for us BOTH, not each. He kept claiming he didn’t have income. He is a shit person. Anyway, nobody in my family marries. They’re all just co-living which is fine but I wanted to do it the “traditional” way. I told her that if I had an actual dad I would consider keeping it and she said “I didn’t make you alone, you do have a dad”… I told her she might as well have made me by herself 🙄 If you had a “father” like mine, would you hold on to your last name?

Btw my last name is Collazo and my fiancé’s is Campbell so it’s not a very big leap.