Waking every 2 hours 🥲


Okay soooo leap 4/regression supposedly finished 2 weeks ago. Then we had a great week and a bit of longer stretches of sleep- one lasted almost 6 hours! And then suddenly as of last Sunday, right after daylight savings time where I am, we are back to waking up every 2 hours! Sometimes every hour after 4am. I thought it was because baby started rolling onto her tummy but that has already decreased yet we are still waking constantly 🙃. No clue why but the only thing that happened on our end was DST which I know did affect her negatively. I could tell she was struggling hard the first few days (heck it messes with us adults), but I just don't know.

Anyone else have this happen? I know someone commented something similar on my previous post about sleep. We've been catnapping for months so it's really only nighttime that's the concern.

Not really looking for tips..just solidarity and maybe some hope 😂