Close to the breakdown point...

I never thought that being a mom was so hard! I love my babies to death but Jesuschrist!!!! I feel like I am going to breakdown some times. I am a single, first time mom with di/di twins with barely any help. They are about to be 6 weeks and this just gets harder and harder especially when they cry in the middle of the night and you don't know why cause you changed their diaper, fed them and burped them.

Some times I feel like I am a failure and a bad mom because even though I try to stay strong and keep it together for them, i be feeling like this is too much for me and they deserve a better mom with more patience than me.

I would NEVER EVER EVER hurt my babies or myself and I don't think I am depressed thanks God, I just feel like I need a little break for at least a day or a few hours.

Nobody tells you or prepares you for motherhood and this is the hardest thing I have done in my life so far.