who is in the wrong here?

so i have this weird thing where the bed is a really special place to me and i have to have it completely clean. in the past there have been palmettos (roaches) that crawled on me in my sleep and i have also seen ants in the bed. my husband says it is really annoying how scared i am of bugs and that i need to get over it. i feel like i'm justified in my feelings towards bugs.

anyways, he has this bad habit of eating in bed. we don't have a kitchen table or anything and he's also weirdly ocd about things so he doesn't want to sit in the living room to eat because it's "uncomfortable and dirty" (it's not). i really don't want him to eat in bed anymore. it's started to cause a lot of tension between us. it's one of the only things we fight about. i thought we had reached a compromise, one that HE came up with: he can eat non-crumb foods, such as macaroni, in the bed, but NOT crumbly foods like crackers. i was okay with this compromise.

this morning, he came in with a poptart, one of the most crumbly breakfast foods of all. is he serious?? he's completely dismissing our agreement and making it out like i'm being crazy and annoying for caring. wtf!!! who is in the wrong here?? am i really being crazy? what do i do!

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