Anyone else make weekly date nights a priority?


My husband and I have decided that weekly we’ll do “Friday night date night”. My grandparents have ALWAYS done this and they’ve been married over 70 years. Now that they’re 89/91 date nights have slowed down a lot, but until COVID it was every single Friday night. They’re the happiest couple I know, always made their relationship a priority regardless of children/grandchildren. So my husband and I decided until our boy gets here we’re going to follow their lead. We came up with a list of our favorites and some new places we’d like to try! Hopefully after breastfeeding we’ll continue the tradition to keep our love and spark alive without losing ourselves to parenthood. Just wanted to see if anyone else makes a weekly priority to go on a date and spend time just the two of you outside of your normal nightly routine at home ☺️

This weeks date! 🥰