Feel like I’m hoping this into existence…


Sooo, first off, I am EXTREMELY irregular. I’ve recently started tracking everything and if I’m correct today I make 20dpo but I also make 36 days from the first day of my last period (when very irregular they tell you to test during this time). I used a frer test at 14dpo and I swear I could see a vvfl (though my camera was crap at catching it) but it was so faint that I was questioning it hard. So I waited til this morning - 20dpo & 36 days past 1st day of last menst. - and took another test I had available and after waiting the 2mins I swear I can see a line. I tried doing that test where you block out the test line so you can just look at the result line and I think it was blue instead of gray. Idk, I want this so bad that I’m worried I might be forcing myself to see things the way I want to. I’m also worried that with how late it is, 20dpo, that if I were, I’d have a much darker line. What do you guys think?