My heart hurts 😔

Skylar • Married to a wonderful man and have an amazing little boy named Samuel and 4 babies in heaven. ❤️

I don’t have any questions, just wanting to rant and get advice. I had my first miscarriage in April, it was my second baby but we got pregnant on the first try. With my first baby it took 8 months so it was surprising we got pregnant right away. This is our 4th cycle TTC after the miscarriage. I track my ovulation with OPK’s, but it can be super stressful because my ovulation is all over the place. I’ve tried BBT but I forget every morning. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Even though I know it’s normal to take months to conceive I feel so discouraged like it’s never going to happen. I don’t understand why I got pregnant immediately with our angel baby just to lose her, but nothing yet so far even though we are trying so hard. 😞 If anyone has any tips on how to get through this or any tips of TTC it would be much appreciated.