My four month old won’t sleep! Send help!



I am TIREDDD. My four month old son refuses to sleep in his crib. Every time he goes to sleep I put him in his crib. He sleeps for an hour and then wakes up. This just started happening about a week ago. NOTHING is working. I started him on oatmeal cereal before bed, a bottle, a bath, lights out everywhere, calm environment, just about everything and it’s just not working. It’s like clockwork! Every hour when he’s in the crib he wakes up. If I let him sleep with me in the bed, sound asleep, snug as a bug! Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? I legit need advice! Please.

P.s he’s teething and I put him in a sleep sac. Swaddling was causing him to wake up because he wanted his hands.


This tired mom