
Cleo 🎀

Hey ladies, sorry I haven’t gotten back with an update the last couple days. After my appointment I just took some time to destress. I know I stress way too much especially about getting pregnant. This cycle I’m def a lot calmer.

So On Friday I went to go see my gynecologist and she gave me a vaginal pap and an ultrasound and she old me I don’t have fibroids, at least she can’t see anything at all. She doesn’t know if I have polyps because my endometrium was so high due to me being in the middle of my cycle. So she wants me to wait until next week on the 23rd in the beginning of my cycle to see if I have a polyp. She also doesn’t think I have PCOS because everything looks good, I ovulate every month, I have my period every month between a 24-28 day cycle and I have a thick endometrium. But I will be doing a blood test next week to double check. If I have polyps I will def have it removed as soon as possible.

Im a little worried but trying not to stress too much. AF starts on Saturday and I really hope it doesn’t. I would love a thanksgiving miracle.

I have been doing some research on polyps to educate and prepare myself.

Does anyone have polyps? What are your symptoms? We’re you still able to get pregnant? How long did it take you to get pregnant with it? Have you had it removed? Was it painful? Did they put you under? Can you have them removed without going under? ( I have never been put under and scared to)

Please send prayers and baby dust my way.

Baby dust to all you beautiful women trying 😘👼