Ovulation after chemical


I had a chemical nearly 2 weeks ago, and I was wondering how long it took for anyone to ovulate after a chemical, if you ovulated around the same cycle day you usually would or did it come earlier or later. I usually ovulate on day 17, so I never usually test much anymore as I'm really regular but I now don't know when it will happen. I tested around day 8 and they were darker (but not positive, but I was only testing once a day) but I think that's because I had a little bit of hcg in my system, alteast I hope so because then I have missed my chance this month. I know everyone's different but I surpose I'm asking is it normal that I could have maybe ovulated earlier or if its likey I could be waiting a while for ovulation or if it will probably happen around the same time?? I know know one knows but would like to know others experiences. I am just stressing myself out as our little baby boy was born sleeping in April and now having a chemical I feel like I'm never going to be able to have the rainbow my husband and I so desperately want 🥺.