Today is the day UPDATED

To hear if there is still a heartbeat.

Haven't felt baby in over a week after feeling strong movements for a few weeks.

I'm nervous. Scared.

Please send some love.

UPDATED: Thank you for the good vibes going in. I was really stressed all week. A couple weeks ago I had what I thought to be food poisoning (hard to say, the timeline was so coincidental with an outing). I was super sick vomiting and diarrhea all week. No fever. After that, I stopped feeling baby. Cold water, apple/orange juice, laying down, poking around.. nothing!

I expressed my concerns right away after my midwife came in and the ultrasound machine happened to be in the room so she gave it a look. After a moment, we saw baby throw it's arm up and start wiggling around. I was so happy to see that, I tried hard to hold back tears. We wonder if the baby just turned positions and stayed there. She let me watch for a minute while it kicked the placenta. My husband was having a hard time himself keeping it together when I called him with the good news!

Anatomy scan appointment booked for December 9th!