Baby shower opinions!!


Hi everyone! Right now I am currently 22 weeks so I need to start planning my baby shower soon. At this point I’m not even sure if I was have one because my husband is in the military so we are currently stationed in Washington DC but will be going to Texas anytime now, my whole family is in New Hampshire, my parents and some of my aunts just moved to Florida, and my husbands whole family is in Idaho. I wanted to only have one but if I had one in one place so many people would not be able to make it and it’s becoming so stressful for me I am literally dreading it. At this point I’m considering not even having one. My mom and I talked about it and though about maybe sending announcement type cards instead of invitations to a baby shower kind of just explaining the situation (everyone knows already anyways) but explaining as to why we will not be having a baby shower but still making my family and his aware that we are setting up a registry.

My question is does that seem wrong that we’re asking for stuff still but not even having a shower? I just feel kind of weird about it lol.