Ct • Dec 7, 2021
If it is possible for you to save and pay for the anatomy scan, I think is worthy, specially to be sure everything is ok (heart etc).
Dr. • Nov 18, 2021
I meant to say they only do two scans that are FREE!
Dr. • Nov 17, 2021
It’s no problem. 😊 I had a 8 week scan to confirm pregnancy. They only do two scans that are not free. I can have as many as I want but I will have to pay for all the others. I paid for my 12 week scan a couple of weeks ago. So it’s not that I can’t have the scans done, it will just cost me money each time until I am 37 weeks. We are waiting until delivery to find out the sex, but I am curious if others could tell what this baby is! 🤗