Doctor making me freak out


My doctor kept wanting me to get my hcg levels checked before she would make an appointment. My first draw was 11/2 hcg 144.6. Second draw was 11/4 hcg 335.9. This draw 11/11 hcg 2230.6. Fourth draw was today 11/18 hcg is 8809.3. The nurse called me this morning after they got the results and said, "your numbers increased but not to where we'd like them to be so we need you to come in first thing in the morning for an ultrasound to see if something is wrong". I am 6w5d today and according to the chart my hcg is at a good range but increasing a little slow. And because of what the doctor said now I am freaking out thinking there is something wrong. Anyone else experience this? Anyone have good positive advice or experiences they could share? I have had 3 mc's in between having my 2 boys and I'm worried I'm going to experience this again.