

I’m currently in a domestic relationship and I’m trying to get me and my daughter out. We been together for 3yrs but living together for a month now and that’s when everything went down hill. He started to become more toxic and now violent and I’m trying to get out before it progresses any further. He literally sold me fake dreams saying he would take care of the baby if I was a stay at home mom, I’ve always stayed with a job since I was 16 I never Been the type to not hustle even after I had my baby I went back to work but because he beg me so much I decided to be a Sahm I had to depend on him for everything beg him to watch our daughter if I needed to do something and he rarely helps me take care of her. I am happy I just got a job in childcare so my daughter can come and i can work, I start tomorrow I also have a fear I may be pregnant by him again and honestly I’m against abortion but I just don’t wanna have another kid with him! but does any one know how how would I got about fileing for full coustody of my daughter? How long will the process take? And is there anyways I can also file for child support at the same time? And also how long would that take? I want to keep her safe he’s told my daughter “fuck you your not my kid” he’s even put his hand on me while holding her I have a picture of him bruising my eye and also a voice recording of him putting his hands on me can I do anything with this? Will this help my case?