Rant 🤬

24 weeks , 25 weeks tomorrow & i have no baby shower planned. My mom was supposed to plan it & now she’s not she’s not talking to me because i decided not to go to a funeral. Anyways I’m not stressed out about having to plan it myself just upset she would be petty like that.

I have an anterior placenta so i barely feel baby move like i used to that’s upsetting.

I have low blood pressure, I’m basically always dizzy when i stand for a long time. I almost passed out at work. My doctor doesn’t seem worried

I’m broke i haven’t had any extra money to myself in a month. I tried to work a second job but i legit almost passed out on my first day i can’t sit. I only work a 4 hour shift & i felt weak the whole time it was embarrassing & haven’t been back but i want to go back just to catch up on bills & save money & just have extra but i don’t want to put too much on myself & something end up happening that i have to be on bed rest. Usually when I’m stressed i have a breakdown but i haven’t I’ve been surprisingly very calm and go with the flow maybe because i know i can’t control any of this. I don’t know Rant over