Bedtime struggles / coughing


Any tips on how I can work on repairing this association?

My daughter has had a cold and a fairly bad cough for about a week now, and she’s the type that will vomit pretty easily from a coughing spell.

We’ve tried to keep mealtimes / bedtime spread out, put a rolled up blanket under the mattress to raise it, cold mist humidifier etc most typical tips to combat coughing/vomiting but she’s been sick about 30 mins after bedtime every night since Friday to last night (so 4 days running now).

Her cough eased up quite a bit this afternoon which has given her some welcome relief, but I noticed at bedtime as soon as we walked into the bedroom and she saw the cot the coughing started. We sat having a cuddle in the rocking chair and she coughed quite a bit and said “sick, sick..” and I said “Noo don’t worry about sick, your cough is starting to get better now”

I’m not surprised there’s that association there now after a rough few days but she was reluctant to go into the cot tonight for fear of being sick 🙁 managed to take her mind off it by offering a different cuddly toy to have in bed and thankfully she’s gone to sleep without too much trouble (and fingers crossed no sick tonight!) but now I don’t know how to help her get past this connection?

Any suggestions?