How would you feel? :/

Long story!!

So my husband is deployed. I recently flew home to spend time with my family for thanksgiving. While I was here I wanted to see my in laws and visit them since it’s been long since last seeing them. (Both my parents & in-laws live in the same city) I talked to my mother in law days prior to let them know I’d be going home. They were excited and said yes to go visit them. We agreed on a time & date for me to come over to their house and hangout for a bit. Anyways here we are on the day of the visit and I had my sister drive me because I didn’t have my car. We show up at the agreed time & I notice that my in laws are outside. They kind of look at my sisters car weirdly probably wondering who’s car it is. They finally notice & see it’s me and act so surprised. My mother in law comes up to the car & says “omg I totally forgot that you were coming!” I just awkwardly said ohh no worries. They seemed to be in such a hurry. It seemed like they wanted to leave their house. My sister and I are standing outside and we say to them “ohh it’s fine we can come back a different day”. They said sorry we forgot u were coming, we were about to go grocery shopping. (Like grocery shopping couldn’t wait… we had already agreed that I would visit) My sister and I were standing there awkwardly. From the moment they said they forgot I was visiting I got the vibe like they didn’t want us to be there. I’ve always gotten along with my in laws but I just feel bad that they didn’t seem so happy to see me. Like yes my husband is deployed and couldn’t be there. I feel bad it’s like they only wanna see me when my husband is around. At least that’s how they made me feel because they ended up leaving anyway. We weren’t even offered to come inside their house. I just didn’t feel welcomed at all. I haven’t talked to my husband about it yet but I’m just upset that that happened. I wasn’t expecting this at all. And honestly it really doesn’t make me wanna go back to visit. I don’t feel welcomed and I feel like they don’t care to see me after the way they acted today.