Unsolicited advice


Is anyone else getting lots of unsolicited parenting advice with so much family time around the holidays?

This is my first. I don’t think what I’m getting is even considered advice. More like discouraging words of wisdom.

‘Better enjoy your sleep now, you’ll never be able to sleep the same again.’

‘This is what you have to look forward to, screaming kids and tantrums.’

‘Enjoy your free time now. You don’t get any of that when you’re a parent.’

‘They’re cute when they’re babies, then they grow up.’

I understand in some cases people are just making conversation, but it’s really frustrating. NONE of these cousins had a hard time conceiving, and most of their kids were accidents. I’m not saying that means they don’t love their children, but we have tried for years and suffered numerous miscarriages. My child is not a burden, nor will they ever be a burden. I understand it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I’m aware I’m going to lose a lot of sleep, but I’ve prayed for years for my BLESSING and it’s so frustrating for people to have nothing but negative things to say. I just feel like so many people take their kids for granted and don’t realize what a miracle it is to even have a child.

Just needed to come on here and rant and see if anyone else is experiencing this!