Your thoughts?

Davone • I`m a happily married lesbian who is trying to start a family with her wife. TTC baby #2 the 1st is 21 yrs old.
My <a href="">IUI</a> was September 13th..... I went to the Dr. on Thursday September 24th. 11 dpo and BETA came back the next day HCG at 3 which clearly states I'm not pregnant. On September 25th AF was suppose to arrive like clock work. It didnt and she still not here. I mean there is no sight of her. Looking at my BBT charts I stayed above my cover line until the day after the BETA test and the day AF was suppose to arrive 12 dpo and then went back up and us still elevated.  In my mind I'm thinking did I implant on day 12 and that's why my HCG was low? (TMI ALERT:  All day Friday and Saturday I looked for AF only seeing some spotting only after really searching for her nothing on my underwear) I would definitely be in the low 97s right now and on my menstrual. If AF isn't here tomorrow I'm taking a HPT and calling my doctor. I'm a 24 day cycle girl like clock work this is very strange. Today makes AF three days late. I already counted myself out for this month and mentally prepared myself for next month <a href="">IUI</a> ...... What do you think? (<a href="">GLOW app</a> you can comment below) Thanks!