Guy talk!

Sydney • Mommy to one baby girl 🎀
Sorry about this long post... I'm just saying what I feel and it's a lot! Haha
I just wanna talk about guys real quick! So I'm 22 years old and I was in a serious relationship with a guy who isnt Mormon for about 3 1/2 years. We've been broken up for about a year now and I'm ready to date some other guys! I've been going to the singles ward for a while and institute and no guys have asked me on any dates. 
There's two guys from my ward that I'm kind of interested in but we only talk occasionally. Both of them go to medical school, like almost all the guys in my ward, so they all get caught up in school. But maybe they just aren't interested in me at all. Would it be bad to just ask one of them straight up what he thinks? Or should I just assume they aren't making anything happen because neither is interested? Ive hung out with one of them once and he's invited me to hang out a few other times but I've been busy. But we still barely talk.
There's also this guy from institute who I'm pretty sure is interested in me but he is 20 and that's kind of young for me, not as mature as I'd like. ultimately I'm looking for someone a little older. He also comes off waay too strong. I'm not sure if he's my type! 
But I don't know what to do. I'm ready to date but I'm not getting asked on dates! I've considered online dating but I don't like the idea of meeting someone online. They might not be who they say they are or you might like them online but it's weird in person.
 So what should I do? Ask a guy I'm interested in if he is too? (Or something like that?) give this 20 year old a chance? (His name is Chance 😂 but I'm not sure how I feel about him) online dating? (Kinda don't like that idea) or just keep going to church (obviously) and church activities and hope to meet someone who's interested? Or just continue to focus on myself and just let whatever happen happen? I've been doing that for a while now and nothing has happened.