Okay here it goes!!


Okay, 10/29 I went into the ER with Severe pain. 10/21-10/26 I had what I assumed was a normal period. But when I got to the ER I found out I was pregnant. It was ectopic (I had an IUD) and I had laparoscopic surgery and my right tube removed.

I took a few pregnancy tests afterwards 11/2 to make sure my levels went down and they were back to 0. I had my copper IUD removed also.

11/23 I had a faint positive.

11/26 I got a positive digital

11/29 doctor ordered blood work for Monday and Wednesday to see my levels

12/2 I will have my appointment to confirm my pregnancy and see where it is.

Now my question is: to calculate my due date would it be off of my last period/when I started miscarrying ? Or will it just be off the ultrasound since there’s really no way to tell??? I’m shocked. I truly didn’t think I could get pregnant this fast