What age would you let your kids get up themselves for school?


I’m at a rock and a hard place. I work too early to get my kids on the bus and I’ve asked for flexibility bt its not likely and they said if approved it would have to be temporary. I cant just leave my job cz it pays well and a regular $15/hr job wouldn’t cover my bills and my new baby is due February which i have a daycare all set up for. I’ve asked if the school has a before program and they don’t. Idk what to do. I am allowed calls and such so idk if it’d be bad if i had everything picked out as far as clothes and breakfast they can get themselves. They are 8 and 9? My daughter is 8 and she’s responsible and listens and usually is mommy to her older brother and says mom said this or that. I’m tryin to see if theres a daycare nearby to take them. Idk how bt back in the day the YMCA took me to school when my mom worked so idk how there isn’t anything like that nowadays!