Bra for clogging

Jaks • TTC since 2016. Had my Rainbow 🌈 in May of 21’. TTC again after Christmas

Hey there - I frequently get clogged ducts - and it gets way worse no matter what nursing or pumping bra I try to wear. I thought I finally found one of those criss cross bras, but the cross goes too far under a boob and dug in and created a clog that took over 4 days to gently clear.

I was trying to find a comfortable one to wear when sleeping to keep my boobs from falling into my armpit and creating clogs that way, but just ended up with clogs in other places..

Anyone have any suggestions??

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Kindred bravely was good for me!


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Are you taking sunflower lecithin? This helped me prevent clogs, it makes your milk more slippery so it doesn’t clog.


Jaks • Dec 5, 2021
Yeah - doesn’t always work