HCG over 10,000 but measuring 4weeks no fetal pole


Lengthy post ahead, but someone please share their experience. I had an ultrasound on 12/2 and saw only a gestational sac. The ultrasound tech was very encouraging saying I was just earlier than I thought and I was measuring 5 weeks plus or minus 10 days. She scheduled another ultrasound for 12/16.

Here’s where it gets confusing. I’ve been having abdominal pain on the left side and groin pain in left side. I went to the ER this morning to get checked out. My HCG came back over 10,000 and the ultrasound identified a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole again. They said I am measuring 4w2d.

Has anyone had something similar happen? Can anybody give me any peace of mind that this little baby is going to form? I feel like with my HCG that high I should be seeing something in ultrasound. Also the dates just don’t add up, my first day of my LMP was 10/23.