Rape question (repost)

I’m reposting this as I forgot to add something

Most important detail that bothers me till this day is that he did not get karma or anything of what he deserves instead he got famous…..and he now owns his own cream lines and shower stuff his own stuff he made and best yet…he opened up lots of stores….himself….and…he’s a model…..

Meanwhile I’m suffering with money, going to food banks and worse.

And selling my stuff and In past 4 months I have lost 4 or 5 jobs 🤷🏼‍♀️ for no reason as I’m trying my hardest.

I don’t get any of this

It’s all hard to explain.

And every year the month of august comes….I just…I get pain down below….I can’t have sex with my partner of 2 years almost 3 years now every month of august it’s like I get traumatized all over again…maybe ptsd?? As it happened to me at such a young age in grade 8 around age 13 I’m pretty sure.

I just don’t know what else to say but at the same time I do casue I have so much to say but don’t know how to word this all so it’s not so randomly placed like one sentence is about one thing and then the next sentence is about another thing.

I’m just so over stressed about everything in my life. With My job as a responsibility

And the whole house as a responsibility and 10 animals and….I’m not even gonna go on….

This is now just a basically book now might as well call it as I’ve written so much about my rape and everything else.

P.s I was raped over 8 if not over 10 times by different people in the last 6 years.

P.s im 18 years old in and in 2022 I’ll be 19

Below is what I have already posted

someone raped me 6 years ago in grade 8 but got away with it even after i reported it how would i go about reporting it again?

I lost my virginity with him im not letting this go just cause I had no proof and just cause cops wouldn’t believe me.

My first time…and it was rape😭

I still remember every little detail everything.

My back and neck is still messed up from that and I believe it’s from that day.

(Btw I was on my period at the time)

(P.S I have graduated high school now)