Line progression

Lexi • Mommy to a beautiful girl ❤️ Wife to a wonderful Husband 💋

I took the top one 12/08 and the bottom one literally a few minuets ago.

Now hear me out before the congratulatory comments. I got my first positive 11/17 and on 11/21 I started to have brown/pink spotting that later turned into heavy bleeding. I have had 4 ultrasounds where there was no indication of a baby besides the thickening of the lining of my uterus. I was told it’s a possible miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. However, NOTHING has been found. I have had bleeding since 11/21 and now it looks like it’s coming to an end. I was told to test again after a week and if it comes back positive to make another appointment, which happened to be the test on the top. Out of curiosity I took another test and waiting one day in between to see if it’ll get lighter…. My common sense tells me that if I’m miscarrying it would get lighter as my levels dropped. During my ER visit they told me my levels were 328 for 5w and 6 days … I haven’t had any other blood draws to know if it’s going up or down …

I need some input ?
