BF, pumping/weaning and work



I am from the UK (England) and live in Portugal, so do not have the same rules. I m currently on maternity leave and will be going back to work when my LO is about 8 months, by then, he will obviously be on some solids. I just have no idea how it will work with milk or what to aim for. As of now he is ebf (16 weeks - nearly 4 months). I have spoken with my place of work and asked where I would be able to pump, they suggested the toilets (2 cubicles and no space) - in my opinion that is totally inappropriate, but not much I can do as is not a law here, etc. When baby is weaned or on solids, yet still bf- would i need to pump during day, or could I just feed in morning and after 1700 and be fine that way? FTM so really no idea! Please advise mamas! Thank you xx