Christmas blessing.

I can't believe it! After about 1.5 - 2 year of trying, many bfns, loss of hope and wishing I'd just be preggo by now.... I tested from 7dpo to like 17dpo and lost all hope as each came back as a BFN but maybeeee one faint but later again bfns..

I read that clomid can cause a delay in period sometimes so I was thinking just another month lost... then decided wth, why not test as now I'm 5 days late for period and like 21dpo, and cramping... BAM! To my shocker, blazing positive! Last test was about 17dpo and was a bfn so I was in shock. I know 100% sure when I ovulated so whatever happened happened late but, thank you so much!! Soooo blessed to have this before Christmas. Fingers crossed for a smooth journey!

To all those struggling, it DOES get better, just keep believing.