Should I take another pregnancy test?


So I was late by 5 days almost 6. I was experiencing a few small symptoms like being extra gassy, being a little constipated(being constipated is not normal for me at all ever since I got my gallbladder removed when I was 19. Only time I've ever been constipated since then was when I was pregnant with my now 2-year-old daughter) and being a little extra emotional, tired a long with a lot of discharge. Sorry TMI. I took a test 2 days late and I think that test was bad because the line was all spotty. So I waited another days anyway before testing again and I thought I saw an extremely faint positive and I showed my husband and he thought he might have also seen something but really wasn't sure. So I was gonna wait another 2 days but then late afternoon/early evening the next day I started bleeding and was like oh well there it is. Honesty not unusual for me to be late randomly. But it was much lighter than usual and I had no bloating or cramping like I usually do. My flow will normally start very, very heavy from the get go then lessen after the second day then I'll have cramping first day/night and bloating to some degree. But I had a medium flow then it even ended a day early and like I said no bloating or cramping but now a day AFTER my period ended I feel and look very bloated and I'm still having some of the symptoms I mentioned earlier. Do you think it's worth me buying another test?

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