Am I over reacting?

My husband and I, (21, and 22) live with his mother, aka, my monster in law. But that's beside the point. We are living with her until our house gets built. It should be done by the time baby 2 gets here, which is May. We have a 2 year old already. Anyway, I love owls. Always have. They're my favorite animal. But she took it upon herself to buy me the complete owl bathroom set and it looks childish as hell! I've attached a picture at the bottom. At first she got it for us to use in the master and when I told her that wasn't happening she said we have to use it because she spend so much on it and I'm supposed to love owls and she can't return it. Don't get me wrong, it's cute for a jack and Jill bathroom or if my kids were even old enough to care what they're bathroom looks like, but the only other bathroom in the house is the guest. It's not attached to a kids room or anything. It's where all my guests will go and I want my house looking grown and mature not like a candy owl barfed everywhere. I'm not using it and when I told my husband he just says it's not that bad and he doesn't understand why we can't use it. Noooooooo. Someone take my side! This is the only other bathroom in the house besides the master. I'm not putting this in there!