Freezer Stash


How many ounces of breast milk do you recommend having stashed away in the freezer? My baby is 5 weeks old and I have an oversupply. I currently have about 6 days worth of milk frozen and am able to continue adding to that. At what point should I start donating? I’m running out of space in my freezer. Thanks ladies!

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I’ve had an oversupply and exclusively pumped with both of my children. With my first I donated about 600 oz at a time. I bought a second deep freezer for only breast milk. With my current 3 month old I’ve donated twice already, 1000 oz and 600 oz. This may be what ever your personal preference is and your freezer space. That’s why I donated so much already, my deep freezer I bought with my other child decided to go out over the summer and I haven’t bought another one. I do always like to keep about 100 oz just incase. After I bought the second deep freezer, I was able to store enough to stop pumping between 9-10 month and had enough breast milk to feed my baby till she was well over 12 months old. Also, not sure how you’re storing your milk in the freezer, but I’ll freeze my bags flat, then add them to a gallon freezer bag and make a “milk brick” of about 10-12 milk bags 5oz each. I label the gallon bag with how many oz are in it, the dates of milk in the bag, and I number the bag, I keep written documentation of what I have in the freezer so that’s where the numbered bags come in handy, to know what milk I want to donate/keep… I’ll also write on the bag if there’s any reason I don’t want to donate a certain bag of milk (colostrum, I do have some frozen milk with a small amount of blood from nipple damage that I’ll feed to my own children but don’t want to donate to someone else.) It really helps with freezer space and keeping milk organized.


Kayla • Dec 23, 2021
Also, if you are wanting to donate I recommend checking out the “Human Milk For Human Babies (HM4HB)” in which ever state you live in. You can make a post to offer your milk or look through the womens posts requesting milk in various locations in your state.


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I personally always saved as much as i could. With my first i bought a deep freezer because the milk will last longer in a deep freeze. If youre using a fridge freezer you should consider donating the oldest milk to rotate it if you are still putting milk away


Babbs ❤️ • Dec 21, 2021
With that being said ive always kept at least a weeks worth on hand because i like to use it for the weaning process and the transition to whole milk