My Birth Story and Announcement


I spent days and week prior to my delivery reading all your birth stories during my first pregnancy and did the same this time around, whenever I got a chance.

It helps deal with the waiting and it kind of prepares you for what’s to come, plus love seeing all your adorable babies.

So here it goes

At 39 weeks, on December 21, after seeing my OB, I decided I want to be induced, being that I was induced with my son and had a positive experience. I had also been walking around at 4cm and 80% effaced for a week now with no progress. So I was schedule for later that same night for an induction.

Went in and they started the pitocin only at 2. The contractions started getting so bad I asked for an epidural. The first time the anesthesiologist did the epidural it didn’t take and I felt every contractions. I asked for her to redo it and after some going back and forth she finally decided to redo it. The second time I definitely got some relief but still not fully. With my son when I got an epidural I felt nothing no contractions, even when I had to push the nurses had to tell me when because I felt absolutely nothing. However I did manage to get some rest even though I was still feeling every contractions. At some point during the early hours in the morning they came to check me how far along I was and I was still at 6cm and 90% effaced. Also I forgot to mention they couldn’t raise the pitocin past 2 as the baby didn’t like that. At that point I asked for the peanut ball, so I laid down on my left side and put it between my legs that was at 5:45 AM.

At 6:45 I asked to be checked again and for more medicine because I was in so much pain

The dr checked me and broke my water at 6:55 and also the anesthesiologist gave me some more medicine however it did nothing as 30 min later I was ready to push. I’m not going to lie it was the worst pain of my life. I thought I was going to die. I know it sounds extreme but seriously that’s all I kept thinking and I just kept saying I can’t do this. My husband who never cries was in tears because of how much I was shaking and screaming. I gave it all I had though and in three pushes baby was born, face up (posterior position) and with the cord around her neck. She is doing good though and I’m so thankful for that after having to spend 3 weeks in the NICU with my son.

Recovery has been good, I’m still in awe of myself that I did that because in no way did I ever think I would be able to give birth without fully being numb from the epidural.

Here’s a picture of my precious Lea, and wishing all the expectant mamas an easy and positive labor experience 🤍


Born 12/22/21 @8:00AM

6 lb 13 oz

20” tall 💖