Can’t believe he said this to me.

This morning I had to take my dogs to their vet appointment. I usually use my care credit card to pay for these visit but I had to take both of them and I knew there wasn’t going to be enough on the card. I was supposed to get my school money today but didn’t so I was going to grab cash. I forgot because I was running late. So I got to the vet and that’s when I realized I didn’t get my school money yet. My husband got paid so I transferred money into my account for just in case. I didn’t think my husband would mind and I could explain the situation after the appointment. Did he understand though? Nope. He blew up on me saying don’t touch my account anymore and that I was just like his mom (she stole $600 from his dad and lied to his face). I didn’t even get a chance to even explain anything to him. I was in the middle of an appointment still. So now he isn’t talking to me at all. Not even to answer my questions. What do y’all think? What would you do?

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