Never gotten a Valentine's Day, Birthday or Christmas gift from my bf

I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, and we are LDR. Sometimes he buys me the stuff like starbucks, a few jewelry pieces (bc i asked) but it irks me that he's never gotten me flowers. I've communicated that I wanted to feel special on holidays, Valentine's day, and even my birthday, but his excuse was "I'm not that type of person anymore", or "I never really know what to get you". I'm a simple girl, and I expect him to study me enough to even try. He said he's been having a lot of things on his mind, but he's never been transparent about anything. And if I say im open to talking, he doesn't share a lot,

so it's all very vague. I try my best to be as open and welcoming, but he doesn't budge. I asked him to at least write me a poem for this Christmas, he agreed to it but later I mentioned it again so he wouldn't forget because obviously I didn't want to feel disappointed and heartbroken if he forgets. He used to write me super sweet poems plenty of times during the beginning of our relationship. After I mentioned it the second time, he denied me of a poem, and said i'm not getting one. I don't ask for a lot, but i'm really debating if he actually cares for me. Am I being ungrateful? He's coming to me on Christmas and bought a hotel for us to stay at together. Cali is pretty expensive, so i'm not sure if I should feel some type of way about what i'm asking for. Those little things just make me happy.

It just frustrates me because i'm always the one stepping up and getting him gifts during special occasions like our anniversary. And I actually got him a box of sweets for Valentine's day. I feel like a total clown. He said he doesn't want gifts, and I just bought him a sweater 🤦🏻‍♀️ should I even give it to him? Is it selfish of me to expect something back? I just want him to feel loved, but I also want that love the same way back.