Weird Dreams?!


T 👧🏽🌈 💙 due 5.2.22

So usually I can’t recall if I have a dream once I wake up, but lately I can. Not only can I remember the dream, the last two nights they have been about the death of a family member. First it was aunt and last night it was my husband’s uncle. Anyone else having weird or strange dreams since being pregnant?

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Posted at
YES!! I have had the most vivid dreams while being pregnant. They are all very realistic and I can’t remember them. It’s crazy !


Posted at
YES. I have been sleeping horribly and when I can it’s shoet and light with insane dreams! But they are so realistic


T 👧🏽🌈 💙 due 5.2.22 • Dec 27, 2021
Hahaha omg! That’s too funny!


Sa • Dec 26, 2021
Girl I had a dream that Tyrion Lannister the dwarf from game of thrones was asking to suck my nipples. How does this shit happen hahahah


T 👧🏽🌈 💙 due 5.2.22 • Dec 26, 2021
Right! Too realistic honestly! Thankfully this last night wasn’t about death but it was still pretty insane!!


Posted at
Yessss almost every night 😩 sometimes I don’t want to remember them so much!!


T 👧🏽🌈 💙 due 5.2.22 • Dec 26, 2021
Totally agree. Same for me most nights. Glad it’s not just me!


Posted at
My dreams are always realistic during each pregnancy. Sometimes I wake up thinking it's real, and have to question my reality lol like where did they go?


Arielle • Dec 24, 2021
Yes you will 🙂


T 👧🏽🌈 💙 due 5.2.22 • Dec 24, 2021
Omg. Yes they feel so realistic and for me it’s been nerve racking since it’s around family dying. Guess I’ll just have to get used to the vivid dreams for the next couple of months.


Posted at
This is my one and only “symptom” when I’m pregnant they start very early and I have such vivid realistic dreams! To the point I have gotten confused if something actually happened in real life!! Normally I can’t remember any dreams at all! This is my third pregnancy, which took quite a bit of trying, so I stopped testing super early! Two nights of dreams and I told my husband I have to test I just know it! And sure enough, pregnant!


Posted at
I feel I’m having more dream while pregnant than I did before being pregnant, they feel so real.