OMG it happened

Quanisha • Living life the way God wants me to and being happy

So if you know me on this thing you know my story about all the heartache and pain I went through just to finally have my son who by the way is 4 will be 5 next month and then I went on the mirena iud after he was born and 4 years later I wanted to try for baby #2 and for a year it seemed as if it was never gonna happen but the good lord was on my side and with his timeline I can proudly say that I am pregnant with baby #2 and what makes it so special is I found out yesterday on Christmas now my little Christmas miracle will be here August 2022 and I can’t wait I’m so excited and in disbelief of what the test say I can’t help but to keep taking test after test but I want to end this post with this massage I don’t know if you believe in god or not and to each it’s own but if you do he has a plan for you things may not happen when you want them too but they will happen when you need them too I spent a year thinking my time was up on having another child but then the lord bless my husband and I with this second bundle of joy and couldn’t be more happy with everything that has happened to me December has been the month to remember I got married my son learning development is improving and now I’m having baby #2 woo I’m on cloud 9 I want to wish nothing but baby dust and happiness to talk the moms and moms to be out there your time will come 🧚🏾‍♀️✨❤️