
My friend who has her baby in September just decided to become a stay at home mom and not return to her job after her maternity leave. I was speaking to a mutual friend about it and the way she saw if was beyond me. She has no kids and lives in her own so doesn't understand. But trying to make her get it was impossible she "what do you do all day, honestly, how hard can it be" 😱😱😱. Just today I woke up late so had to rush my 4 to to get to school. My day started at 630. Got her ready, got the baby ready. Ran out the door. Dropped her off went food shopping unloaded the car while calming, changing and feeds the baby. Put groceries away. Tan back out to pick up my daughter. Came home made lunch did 3 loads of dishes that were neglected all Weekend because of birthday parties, Christmas parties & dance class. Along with having to get the car inspected& 4 new
Tires and being the cat to the vet. ANYWAYS 2 loads of laundry folded and put away. In between feedings and diaper changes playing Barbies while baby naos. Cleaning up pomigtanit seeds that were "yukky" my day ended with rice cereal flung across the kitchen and a screaming 4 year old cause I wasn't picking up those pomigtanit seeds. Bathroom is still a disaster. Half the groceries are still sitting on the kitchen floor for tomorrow. My 4 yo will have to wait till
Morning for a bath. And my baby fell asleep crying on the play mat while a read a bedtime story. & the house looks like a tornado hit it. I could totally spend the next hour cleaning it but I'm so tired I figure I'll Come here & rant the. Fall asleep and do it twice as hard tomorrow. Gnight.Â